Using the Arrow Keys For Accuracy
- Using the mouse can be fun and fast, but it doesn't lend itself to precision drawing accuracy.
- The Numberpad keys on your keyboard can be set to move the cursor a specified distance each time they are pressed. (See help for "Speed")
- The separate arrow keys always move the cursor the minimum distance possible at the current drawing size.
- To accurately draw a wall at right angles to the one shown below, position the
cursor near the end of the wall.
- To position the cursor accurately, use the arrow keys in the number pad to move a
user defined distance on each press.
- Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move one pixel at a time.
- When the cursor is correctly positioned, press Enter to begin drawing.
- Horz, Vert, Length, and Angle as shown above in the odometers at the left end of
the Status bar are reset to zero.
- Press the up-arrow key in the number pad repeatedly.
- Track the distance moved by watching the odometers at the left end of the
Status bar.
- Vert: 6' 0" (in red letters) indicates the wall thus far is 6 feet long.
- To continue drawing to 6' 4" use the up-arrow key on the keyboard.
- When the length is correct, press Enter to end drawing.
More Info
- The distance moved when the arrow keys in the number pad are used, can be adjusted
with Plus and Minus.
- To draw at a 45 degree angle, use the 1, 3, 7, or 9 keys.